
Do you ever get the feeling your cloud is hosting a secret data rave behind your back? And seriously, who's been sending out the invites?
Haha! That was a good one. But now, seriously, do you have the answer?

Did you know?

50 %
increased in identity-based attacks
10 %
of organizations store thier sensitive data in SaaS
0 M$+
yearly spent by company of 1000* on cloud apps

Understanding Current Trends and Challenges

“Concerns about public cloud security, combined with a lack of resources and expertise, are driving the perception that the risk of a security breach in the public cloud is higher than in traditional on-premises environments (43%). Only 27% of security professionals perceive risk to be lower in a public cloud environment.”
“Modern organizations are racing to update their enterprise network architectures to take advantage of Zero Trust security designs, cloud computing, software-as-a-service (SaaS) value delivery, and distributed workforces. This has fueled a dramatic increase of infrastructure, known and unknown, which in turn has greatly increased the complexity of securing their environments.”
palo alto networks
“As predicted, cloud environment intrusions increased by 75% from 2022 to 2023, with cloud-conscious cases increasing by 110% and cloud-agnostic cases increasing by 60%.”


Custom Tags

Create tags to suit a plethora of use cases.

build Worklfow

Streamline processes for joiners, movers, and leavers with a robust workflow.

Integrate SSO

Seamlessly connect to your SSO application and manage it from a single location.

least privilege

Effortlessly identify unnecessary user access and simplify least privilege management.

Manage Owners

Delegate Resource Ownership to Managers, Empowering Them to Manage Access, While Ensuring Comprehensive Monitoring

Take Action

Receive Actionable Security Insights and Enable Direct Action or Automated Responses for Breach Alerts.

Our Vision

We’re committed to shaping a future where cybersecurity isn’t just a necessity—it’s a seamless part of your everyday operations.

 Our vision is to empower businesses like yours to enhance security measures while increasing efficiency and productivity. 

We understand the challenges you face in navigating the digital landscape, which is why we’ve developed a solution that not only monitors and mitigates risks but also transforms uncertainty into opportunity. 

With our product, you can unburden the load of the unknown, gain valuable insights, and confidently take action to secure your future success. 

Join us in shaping a safer, more efficient tomorrow.

Unlock Efficiency, Security, and Productivity with us

Unlock the Potential of Your Workforce while Safeguarding Data Integrity